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- Home | ConsoMIX
CONSUME SMART Optimize your resources, save money About us ConsoMIX is a start-up specialized in IOT and Big Data. We provide mature and efficient solutions to major challenges of our time such as water leakage or floods, unusual consumption, waste of resources, bed shortage in hospitals... Thanks to our innovative approach based on both next generation IOTs and a versatile and secure SaaS (Software as a Service) Platform, ConsoMIX efficiently helps optimize scarce resources. OUR SERVICES TECHNICAL BUILDING MANAGEMENT Powerful yet simple to use, ConsoMIX allows you to manage various functions of your building through a single system and save money. At a glance, check your consumption on a dashboard, control your building systems and make the right decisions to reduce the ecological footprint of your building. With ConsoMIX, you can also receive real time alerts in case of a disaster or enable automatic remediation for the fastest response. Learn more WATER SUPPLY NETWORKS ConsoMIX provides access to real-time information on the state of your water supply network, thus decreasing tedious and low added value operations. With ConsoMIX, detect in real-time water leakage, avoid wasting this precious resource and achieve substantial saving. Learn more SMART CITIES ConsoMIX allows for real time collection, consolidation and analysis of rich information on urban infrastructures within a single system. Thanks to Big Data combined with powerful analytics, ConsoMIX allows you to significantly minimize the environmental impact of buildings, blocks, districts or your city as a whole. Learn more HOSPITALS The Coronavirus crisis caused critical bed shortage in hospitals all over the world. From the beginning of the pandemic, we, at ConsoMIX mobilized to increase hospital capacity and came up with Room Patrol, an IOT based solution which accurately monitors in real-time the hospital bed occupancy, minimizes hospital bed turnover interval time and increases caregiver’s productivity. Learn more NEWS TRANSITION ENVIRONNEMENTALE ET ENJEUX ÉCONOMIQUES En savoir plus LE BABY SMART KIT, LE DERNIER NÉ DE LA GAMME DU SMART KIT En savoir plus CONSOMIX E-BIKE IS PART OF HAGUENAU'S SERVICE CENTER Learn more CONSOMIX SELECTED FOR THE FRENCH FAB BOOSTER ! Learn more THE SMART KIT APPROVED WITH INTERNATIONAL PATENTABILITY Learn more PARTNERS We are proud to work with : CONTACT US 25 Rue de Ponthieu Paris, 75008 France info@consomix.com +33 (1) 48 98 09 54 Send Thank you for your message
- Transition environnementale et enjeux | ConsoMIX
Source : France Stratégie, Note d’analyse n° 114, nov 2022 Transition environnementale et enjeux économiques M. Jean Pisani-Ferry, enseignant chercheur à l’IEP Paris et Mme Selma Mahfouz, Inspectrice générale des finances, ont remis à Mme la Première Ministre, un rapport sur la transition environnementale et ses impacts économiques, qui a été rendu public le 9 novembre 2022. Ce rapport, tout à fait novateur, identifie trois « ressorts » de la transition environnementale. Investir (remplacer les énergies fossiles par du capital car les alternatives sont coûteuses en investissement mais permettent, à terme, une production à moindre coût). Cet arbitrage devrait induire une réduction du PIB dans un premier temps. Réorienter les « progrès techniques vers les alternatives aux énergies fossiles et l’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique ». Citant Aghion, Antonin et Brunel (2020), les auteurs ajoutent « L’innovation n’est pas spontanément verte, au contraire, les entreprises qui ont produit et innové dans le polluant dans le passé préfèrent continuer d'innover dans les technologies polluantes dans le futur », essentiellement pour des raisons de profitabilité… ". Enfin, ils concluent que « le coût à changer de sentier sera d’autant plus élevé que le que l’économie aura continué à s’engager sur la voie de l’innovation brune ». La modération des usages et des consommations énergivores (sobriété). Ils distinguent quatre types de sobriété. « Structurelle » qui consiste à limiter les distances parcourues en agissant sur l’organisation spatiale « Dimensionnelle » qui « vise un bon dimensionnement des équipements par rapport aux usages » « D’usage » qui porte sur le mode d’utilisation et la durée de vie « Coopérative » qui correspond à la mutualisation des équipements.
- Smart Kit | ConsoMIX
EAU DE PARIS PRESENTS CONSOMIX SMART KIT With ConsoMIX, Smart City starts now ! Our Smart Kit is now internationally recognized as an innovative and inventive solution by an international patent. The Smart Kit is a groundbreaking water drawing device made by ConsoMIX. It is being deployed in the streets of Paris by the city’s public water utility Eau de Paris. The Smart Kit is a new generation IOT which generates its own energy, thanks to nano turbines which convert water flow drawn from the supply network into electricity. The Smart Kit allows EAU DE PARIS' clients with temporary need for water, to securely draw water from each of the 11,000 fire hydrants of the city's water supply network. Examples of Smart Kit usage include construction sites, fairgrounds or festivals. When a client tries to use a fire hydrant, the Smart Kit automatically proceeds with verifications based on its own GPS position, and allows or denies access to water. EAU DE PARIS can remotely check in real-time which hydrants are being used by every client and how much water is being consumed. The Smart Kit removes the need for movements and saves EAU DE PARIS time and costs. The Smart Kit greatly contributes to make the City greener and smarter. The Smart Kit presented by Eau de Paris Request a Smart Kit demo Send Thank you for your message Learn more about our other services : Technical building management Water supply networks Smart cities Hospitals
- Smart Kit | ConsoMIX
EAU DE PARIS PRESENTS CONSOMIX SMART KIT With ConsoMIX, Smart City starts now ! Our Smart Kit is now internationally recognized as an innovative and inventive solution by an international patent. The Smart Kit is a groundbreaking water drawing device made by ConsoMIX. It is being deployed in the streets of Paris by the city’s public water utility Eau de Paris. The Smart Kit is a new generation IOT which generates its own energy, thanks to nano turbines which convert water flow drawn from the supply network into electricity. The Smart Kit allows EAU DE PARIS' clients with temporary need for water, to securely draw water from each of the 11,000 fire hydrants of the city's water supply network. Examples of Smart Kit usage include construction sites, fairgrounds or festivals. When a client tries to use a fire hydrant, the Smart Kit automatically proceeds with verifications based on its own GPS position, and allows or denies access to water. EAU DE PARIS can remotely check in real-time which hydrants are being used by every client and how much water is being consumed. The Smart Kit removes the need for movements and saves EAU DE PARIS time and costs. The Smart Kit greatly contributes to make the City greener and smarter. The Smart Kit presented by Eau de Paris Présentation du Baby Smart Kit Request a Smart Kit demo Send Thank you for your message Learn more about our other services : Technical building management Water supply networks Smart cities Hospitals
- Place des Services | ConsoMIX
The E-Bike by ConsoMIX presented on the inauguration day of Place des Services in Haguenau On Friday December 16, 2021 the inauguration of the "Place des Services" in Haguenau took place. A new concept from Groupe La Poste, Place des Services is a concierge service offering connected services and a human presence, all under a common roof. The ConsoMIX E-Bike is now part of the services offered within this concept. Place des Services is located within the city's SNCF station, it allows anyone to charge their mobile phone while waiting for their train to arrive. The inauguration took place in a very pleasant atmosphere, in the presence of Mr. Claude STURNI (President of the Agglomeration Community of Haguenau) and Mayor of Haguenau, Mrs. Béatrice LELOUP (Director of the Grand Est Stations, SNCF Gare and connections), Mr. Jean ROTTNER (Chairman of the General Council of Grand Est) and Mrs. Blandine ALGLAVE (Marketing Director of Hyper Proximity, La Poste). Many attendees of the inauguration and officials of Place des Services who practiced the E-Bike were very happy and feeling proud that ConsoMIX added one more valuable service on their platform.. Learn more about the E-Bike
- French Fab Booster | ConsoMIX
ConsoMIX selected for the French Fab Booster program ConsoMIX is proud to announce that it has been selected to participate in the French Fab Booster Middle East . Initiated by Business France, this program aims to highlight the future of French industry in order to accelerate its international development, in particular. In this context, we had the privilege of presenting ConsoMIX products at Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The program included B2B meetings, presentations to investors and authorities. During this program, the expertise, product range and innovative vision of ConsoMIX were favorably noticed and very appreciated.
- Water spply network | ConsoMIX
ConsoMIX provides access to real-time information on the state of your water supply network, thus decreasing tedious and low added value operations. With ConsoMIX, detect in real-time water leakage, avoid wasting this precious resource and achieve substantial saving. ConsoMIX allows also to optimize and secure temporary accesses to the supply network. Water Supply Networks Grâce au Smart Kit de puisage, ConsoMIX permet d'optimiser et de sécuriser les puisages temporaires effectués sur un réseau d’eau (lors d’un chantier, d’un événement…) . Le Smart Kit est une solution mobile qui ne nécessite aucune installation et qui se branche en quelques secondes à toutes les bouches d'incendie ou tous les poteaux d’incendie. Il permet de connaître en ligne les consommations d’eau puisée lors d’un puisage temporaire ainsi que sa position géographique. Consumption monitoring Leakage detection in real-time Unauthorized drawing detection ConsoMIX provides the water utility a unique interface to access dashboards and clear information on the supply network. ConsoMIX can also generate reliable alerts in real-time. ConsoMIX is a precious decision-making tool which helps prioritize management and maintenance tasks which need to be carried-out on the water supply network. Learn more about our other services : Technical building management Smart cities Hospitals
- Smart cities | ConsoMIX
SMART CITIES Smart cities With increasing number of initiatives to reduce environmental impacts of cities, there is a need for a single platform to manage the various urban systems. ConsoMIX allows for real time collection, consolidation and analysis of rich information on urban infrastructures within a single system. Thanks to Big Data combined with powerful analytics, ConsoMIX allows you to significantly minimize the environmental impact of buildings, blocks, districts or your city as a whole. ConsoMIX is a SaaS (Software as a Service), which makes it an agile and living solution, and allows to continuously expand its scope. Privacy is for us a major concern, and ConsoMIX implements strict security measures, in compliance with the GDRP. SaaS Big data Machine learning GDRP Learn more about our other services : Technical management of buildings Water supply networks Hospitals
- Technical buiding management | ConsoMIX
Technical Building Management Powerful yet simple to use, ConsoMIX allows you to manage various functions of your building through a single system and save money. At a glance, check your consumption on a dashboard, control your building systems and make the right decisions to reduce the ecological footprint of your building. ConsoMIX allows for real time collection, consolidation and analysis of information and generates clear dashboards. ConsoMIX can also automatically or manually interact with your building systems. With ConsoMIX, you can receive real time alerts in case of a disaster or enable automatic remediation for the fastest response. Thanks to its all-in-one platform, ConsoMIX is a reliable and efficient management solution for your building. Water consumption and cut Electricity consumption and cut Heating consumption and thermostat Dimmable lighting, ambient light auto-adjustable Intrusion detection and videosurveillance Rich and clear reporting Learn more about our other services : Water supply networks Smart cities Hospitals
- Hospitals | ConsoMIX
Hospitals The Coronavirus crisis caused critical bed shortage in hospitals all over the world. From the beginning of the pandemic, we, at ConsoMIX mobilized to increase hospital capacity and came up with Room Patrol, an IOT based solution which accurately monitors in real-time the hospital bed occupancy, minimizes hospital bed turnover interval time and increases caregiver’s productivity. Room Patrol can be used to monitor multiple types of hospitals resources. Here are a few examples : Emergency beds Hospital beds Ventilators Endoscope Carts Thanks to ConsoMIX, caregivers can fully focus on their primary objective, providing care to patients. Learn more about our other services : Technical building management Water supply networks Smart cities
- E-Bike by ConsoMIX | ConsoMIX
The E-Bike by ConsoMIX The E-Bike by ConsoMIX is a static bike, indoor and outdoor, generating its own green energy with multiple functions. Do sport Recharge your phone Useful pedaling Preserve the environment Do sport Take care of yourself with the E-Bike by ConsoMIX. Whether in its bicycle or hand-bike version, the E-Bike allows you to practice sports on a regular basis. Being active is good for your health and well-being. Recharge your phone Is your phone about to switch off due to a lack of battery? Don't panic, the E-Bike by ConsoMIX allows you to recharge it in a few minutes. The faster you pedal, the faster your phone will charge. Useful pedaling The E-Bike by ConsoMIX also makes it possible to promote living together by supplying energy to common installations such as lighting or information panels. The E-Bike is an innovation at the service of all. Preserve the environment The E-Bike by ConsoMIX produces 100% renewable energy and contributes to the fight against global warming and pollution. The E-Bike by ConsoMIX is eco-citizenship within everyone's reach. To find out more about our other services: Technical management of buildings Water supply networks Smart cities Hospitals
- Hospital Crisis | ConsoMIX
Nearly 20% of beds closed in hospitals for lack of staff According to a flash survey conducted at the initiative of the Scientific Council at the beginning of October, around 20% of beds are closed in CHUs and CHRs due to a staff shortage. This phenomenon of bed scarcity severely penalizes patients. Frédéric Valletoux, president of the Board of Directors of the Hospital Federation of France, speaks of a worse situation than it has ever been. Until measures allowing an increase in hospital staff are implemented and bear fruit, effective management of hospital beds is essential in order to allow a greater number of patients to access the available beds. This is why ConsoMIX launches ROOM PATROL Room Patrol is a system for optimizing the management of hospital beds, which allows to increase by 20% the number of patients admitted to a hospital establishment , by means of connected objects fixed on the beds. As soon as it is put into service, each connected object "Plug & Play" immediately reports the occupancy status of the bed to which it is attached. It is then possible to view in real time , on a secure SaaS platform, the beds available within an establishment and to receive email or SMS alerts each time a bed changes status. This helps to minimize hospital bed refurbishment time and improve patient turnover. Room Patrol thus makes it possible to streamline hospital services and reduce the stress of extremely stressed hospital teams.