The E-Bike by ConsoMIX presented on the inauguration day of Place des Services in Haguenau

On Friday December 16, 2021 the inauguration of the "Place des Services" in Haguenau took place. A new concept from Groupe La Poste, Place des Services is a concierge service offering connected services and a human presence, all under a common roof.
The ConsoMIX E-Bike is now part of the services offered within this concept. Place des Services is located within the city's SNCF station, it allows anyone to charge their mobile phone while waiting for their train to arrive.
The inauguration took place in a very pleasant atmosphere, in the presence of Mr. Claude STURNI (President of the Agglomeration Community of Haguenau) and Mayor of Haguenau, Mrs. Béatrice LELOUP (Director of the Grand Est Stations, SNCF Gare and connections), Mr. Jean ROTTNER (Chairman of the General Council of Grand Est) and Mrs. Blandine ALGLAVE (Marketing Director of Hyper Proximity, La Poste).
Many attendees of the inauguration and officials of Place des Services who practiced the E-Bike were very happy and feeling proud that ConsoMIX added one more valuable service on their platform..